How to calculate the number of working minutes…FAST :)

This is always a performance thing, ETL-wise, but also in stored procedures.
I’ve published an example on how to calculate the number of working days (rounded) via a scalar-valued function:
Function: Calculate working days

This example however calculates the working minutes between dates, while taking into account the company and/or national holidays and weekends.
You could extend the functionality to also include local office hours.

Three examples:
1) The number of working minutes between a given date/time-value and the present (NOW)
2) The number of working minutes between two given date/time-values
3) The number of working minutes between two given date/time-values from a large dataset


Testing results:
I ran a test on a large dataset which included actual order dates and after the so called ‘WorkingMinutes’-table was made in 4~5 seconds, it took only 3 seconds to process more than 1 million records!

Download the SQL script here:

SSIS not working with temp tables

Received this fine error message during ETL?:
The metadata could not be determined because statement ” in procedure ” uses a temp table.

If you are working on SSIS 2012, then it uses system stored procedure sp_describe_first_result_set to fetch the metadata of the tables and it does not support temporary tables. But you can go for other options like table variables and CTEs which are going to work fine.
In my case, since I’m a bit stubborn I looked for another solution and found a few:

Solution 1:
An option is to use a SET FMTONLY ON command in front of your actual query to send a fake “First result set” to SSIS with your correct column structure. So you can do something like:

select 0 as a, 1 as b, 'test' as C, GETDATE() as D

select a, b, c, d from ##TempTable

When SSIS runs sp_describe_first_result_set, it will return the metadata and column names of your FMTONLY command, and won’t complain about not being able to determine the metadata of your temp table because it won’t even try.

Solution 2:
And the best solution is this one in my opinion, simply provide SSIS the metadata up front like:

EXEC [dbo].[usp_SSIS_DataSet] @Date = '2012-01-01'
[DateID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Sales] [decimal](16, 4) NOT NULL

NOTE: Don’t know why, but syntax wise it needs the round brackets twice.
You can use this in your OLE DB Source component as a query (or in a variable).